Monday 2 December 2013

Films On Real-Life Cases, Can Bolly'wood Handle The Truth?

The recent verdict of the Aarushi Talwar murder case, announced a day before the anniversary of the 26/11 Mumbai attacks and less than a month before the first anniversary of the horrific Nirbhaya episode, was closely followed by Milan Luthria shelving his film based on the case. 
He said, "I'm taking the film off the table. I won't be making it now. It's stirring up strong emotions, and I don't want to trivialise it. I'd rather let it be. There is enough pain, drama and questions anyway. While discussing it with friends, family and my creative team, we all felt we shouldn't (make it)." 
This has refueled the debate on whether real-life crime episodes should be made into films, because of the thin line filmmakers tread between realism and sensationalism. But even as the industry stands divided on this topic, it's interesting to note that not many films based on real-life crimes have either fared well at the box office or earned critical acclaim. 
Whereas in Hollywood, Kathryn Bigelow didn't just make Zero Dark Thirty, a war-thriller based on the decade-long hunt for Osama Bin Laden, she released it 18 months after Bin Laden was killed, and won both critical acclaim and box office success for it. 
However, this hasn't deterred filmmakers from jumping at the opportunity of announcing films soon after a high-profile crime takes place. But either most of them fizzle out at the box office or don't see the light of day. -Timofindia For more Indian Celebrity News Please visit

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